The flavored vodka product line named by the German pharmacist Jacob Kurberg is produced by the Estonian Moe Distillery. The line includes vodkas flavored with hemp, garlic, golden root and the chili pepper in this test. Spirits flavored chili pepper have a long tradition in Estonia. After all, during long and cold winters, there is a need for tinctures that warm the body and ward off illnesses. The chili vodka is made from distilled spirit made from organic rye, and the chili peppers used in the drink are also organically grown in Estonia. The apothecary tradition also continues with the product’s bottle design, the chili vodka is bottled in a small medicine bottle and the bottle cap is a combination of wood and silicone. A 20 cl bottle cost just under €6.
The vodka is completely clear, meaning it has been distilled after macerating the chili peppers in rectified spirit, and nothing has been added to the product after distillation. The aroma is quite the same as typical grain vodka, with just a hint of an earthy aroma in the background. The taste is soft and somewhat neutral. Some light vegetal, earthy aroma comes through at the beginning. The alcohol burn is rather smooth and the chili effect only begins to be felt in the aftertaste, when the tongue and mouth begin to burn slowly, clearly more than in regular vodka. However, the chili taste is not really felt at any point, it has been completely filtered out during distillation. When you add a little water to the glass, you also start to find more flavor and the chili heat also comes out surprisingly even better. When diluted half with water, the chili really burns nicely in the mouth and is also felt for a long time in the aftertaste. Anyway, the vodka is not so hot that you can’t sip it neat. The chili effect is more on the moderate side and somewhat good level.
JJ Kurberg’s chili vodka is sophisticated, smooth and still hot enough to make you know you’re drinking something other than just regular vodka. The bottle in the test was so small that I didn’t start making any special drinks from it. I would guess that the chili flavor, especially in longer drinks, may be somewhat subdued. JJ Kurberg Chili certainly works better as a cold schnapps at the dinner table and why not use it as a medicine when you’re feeling cold symptoms.