Olmeca is produced in Jalisco, Mexico and it’s owned by Pernod Ricard. Olmeca trademark has been established at 1967 and now belongs on the three most sold tequila brands (with Sierra and Jose Cuervo). It’s mixto so only 51% is made of agave and the rest 49% is distilled from sugar cane or corn. Gold is about the same than blanco, but it’s sweetened, spiced and coloured to golden with caramel colour. The price for 50cl bottle was 11.99€ (Maxima)
When Olmeca Blanco was already mild on agave taste, Gold is one step farther. Nose have only hint of agave, more featured are fruity, spicy and peanut nuances. Taste have agave on the background, but otherwise there is banana, peanuts, some pepper and plenty of sweetness. Burn is mild and aftertaste sweet, fruity and short. It’s better to sip neat than most blanco tequilas but not very pleasant however. It have the same profile than spiced rums, which also are drinkable neat but I do not feel comfortable to drink them because of the artificial nuances. When making a classic margarita I found agave notes are vanished so I do not see a point to use it for short cocktails, where agave taste is one of the key point. So Olmeca Gold is maybe best on shot+lemon+salt combo. It’s sweet and pleasant enough and you still find agave there so you know what you are drinking. Or then mix it with fruit juice or ginger ale, when the it brings the wanted alcohol and some hints of tequila.