Barbuda Rum is produced by Estonian Remedia Distillery, established in 1991. It’s now owned by Latvian Amber Distribution, which is the biggest alcohol distributor in Baltic states. Barbuda White Rum is a column distilled from molasses, aged a few months or barrels or steel vats and filtered to clear. It’s blended bulk rum which most of the Estonian producers buy, bottle and sell through their own brand. Price for a 50cl bottle was 7€.
There are all the typical aromas of cheap rum, a bit of sweet sugar cane and some spices like vanilla. Taste is very neutral, there is just a hint of molasses. Burn is mild like on neutral vodka and the aftertaste is very short. It’s very light and bulk produced rum, filtered efficiently and there is not any side tastes to disturb. Can’t find any fruit or aromas which comes when aging on barrels. For cocktails the taste is too light and thin, so the only use of this is to mix it with coca-cola or other soft drinks.