Barclay Vodka is product of Remedia Distillery. It´s made for honour of Michael Andreas Barclay de Tolly (1761-1818), Baltic-German war hero of Russian army. There is not any info available about the vodka, where it is made and for which raw material. 100cl bottle costs 14.99€ at CityAlko.
Nose is light and neutral with hint of grain. At least there is not any solvent flavour. Taste is sweet, neutral and gentle. Burn is mild, there is some grain on aftertaste, but can’t taste is it wheat or barley. For it smoothness it’s more on the wheat side. Some herbal touch is on the end, there is not any bitterness which is common for cheap vodkas. Pretty good, neutral and smooth vodka (due to added sugar), it’s good choice on it’s price range.