Livikon Gin Crafter’s is currently known as Kingsmill. The products under the new name have been available since May 2019, but an older version can also be still found in some grocery stores. Lingonberry-flavored gin is distilled with a pot still and, according to the manufacturer, only natural ingredients have been used. Crafter’s gins are on sale extensively throughout Estonia and usually at a very affordable price, a 50cl bottle costs about 8 euros.
The aroma is a bit sweet, with some juniper and kind of berry feeling. The taste is light, sweetish, the very light aroma of juniper and lingonberries is recognizable. Lingonberries have been used very sparingly in the production, the aroma is quite hard to identify. Other herbs don’t even feel in the background or aftertaste, which is otherwise sweet and slightly bitter. Diluted with soda water, the very light and slightly sweet berry aroma is on top. No other herbs are felt, not even juniper berry.
Like Liviko’s blueberry gin, the lingonberry version is also very mild and an unspoken attempt to bring something new to market. Its main selling point is the cheap price. Liviko’s position in the Estonian market is so strong that when the price is affordable, the design of the bottle is elegant enough, it ends up in stores comprehensively, no matter what the content is. At its best lingonberry gin is drunk neat, chilled on a schnapps glass. Then there is even some sense of taste. On the plus side, the aroma of a lingonberry, as weak as it is, is natural and do now have any essence feeling.