Koch Coffee Liqueur is produced by Estonian company Koch LCC. It’s on sale only in SuperAlko and CityAlko alcohol stores, which belongs on same concern with Koch. Due to ownership all Koch liqueurs are on sale for very low prices. The price for 50cl bottle was 3.19€.
Koch is very pale coloured to be a coffee liqueur. Nose is very light, there are lots of chocolate and some coffee nuances. Taste is sweet on the beginning, with chocolate and coffee, but the aromas vanish very quickly. There is certain taste of artificial essences, which are surely used on liqueur of this price range. Aftertaste is comparatively short and turns on dry bitter side. However it’s quite well balanced liqueur, not too sweet and there certain is some coffee aroma. But the artificial chocolate flavour is still stronger so I can’t praise this as coffee liqueur so much. It’s light, bit washy, cheap like all Koch products used to be. The taste is actually quite decent on the beginning, but after two shots I´m starting to taste strong essence flavours which turn the experiense more unpleasant. So you can quite enjoy it if you can forgot the fact it’s made 100% of artificial essences.
How to get some, where to order it send me a perform .
You can order it from http://www.viinarannasta.ee or http://www.superalko.lv