Gindome Viking Dry Gin (47%)

Tallinn based The Hope Distillery is the latest addition to the fast growing group of Estonian craft distilleries. The company bottled its first product for sale on January 1st, 2022. The Hope Distillery immediately launched three bottles under their Gindome brand; Viking Dry Gin, Mermaid Navy Gin and Old Tom Gin.…


Obdo Four Gin (38%)

Obdo is a small handicraft distillery in Riga, Latvia. Their flagship product, Obdo Gin, is made from 22 herbs but was a bit too unbalanced for my taste. Obdo Four, on the other hand, is made from only four ingredients. Juniper berry, quince growing in Latvia, lemon and orange peels. Rectified…


Kingsmill Pink Gin (38%)

Various colored gins have been rumbling on the market for the past couple of years. Estonian Liviko is also following trends and has launched both pink and ruby gins in its Kingsmill series. Rectified spirit, softened water, juniper berries and various flavorings have been used in Pink Gin. The price of…


Crafter’s Aromatic Flower Gin (44.3%)

Liviko is a big alcohol producer in the Baltic countries and the largest distillery in Estonia, but still wants to maintain the status of a craft distillery, at least with its series of Crafter’s gins. Gin’s are made in batches of 5,000 bottles and each bottle is finished by hand. In…


Opihr Oriental Spiced Gin (43.30%)

England is proud of the time when they ruled almost the whole world and it is still visible today. Gin producers in different countries pride themselves on using herbs collected from their own country or the surrounding area. Many English producers, including Opihr in London, again emphasize all the countries where…


Lahhentagge Ösel Dry Gin (45%)

The Lahetaguse (Lahhentagge) village is located in the southwestern part of Saaremaa, Estonia. The Lahhentagge distillery was started there in 2016. It is the only distillery currently operating in Saaremaa, the largest island in Estonia, with a population of about 33,000. Lahhentaggen’s first and currently only alcohol product is Ösel Dry…


Tohi Nordic Dry Gin (43%)

Tohi Distillery is one of the youngest craft distilleries in Estonia. It is located in Kohila, about 30 kilometers from the capital city Tallinn. The distillery has been established in the historic Tohisoo Manor, which also has a long tradition of making vodka on it’s own premises. However, Tohi does not…


Obdo Gin (43.7%)

Obdo comes from Riga and is one of the few Latvian gins. Obdo is a real handicraft product, all the herbs used are collected from the Latvian countryside and dried in the sauna of the owner's house in the countryside. A total of 22 herbs, spices and fruits have been used,…


Saaremaa Rhu Gin (37.5%)

Saaremaa is the largest island in Estonia, but it is also a brand owned by the Finnish alcohol gigant Altia. Saaremaa Dry Gin came on the market a few years ago and has quickly become very popular. It's a decent gin, simple and light. However, the main factor in its popularity…

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Gordon’s Gin Crisp Cucumber (37,5%)

Gordon’s is one of the best-selling gins in the world. In addition to London Dry Gin, there have been a few flavored versions in production. The cucumber-flavored version was released in 2012, but it is no longer in production and the product can no longer be found on Gordon’s own website.…