Garrone Bitter (21%)

Producer: Cantina Vallebelbo, Italy
Price: 100cl bottle 9.39€ (AlcoShop, Latvia)

Garrone’s story begings at 1991, when a businessmen from Torino wanted to create his own vermouth. It’s nowadays available wildly on east-Europe and some Asian countries.

Compared to Campari Garrone feels more sweet, even there is same sugar content (250g per liter). Nose is strongly bitter, sweet and it have kind of artificial, metallic savour. Taste is thickly sweet, lightly bitter and more herbal than Campari. Anyway it’s not so utterly bitter. Metallic savour distrurb on the beginning, but what emptier the bottle goes, the better taste goes, maybe also due to oxidation. Even the smell is heavily bitter, it’s quite easy to drink. When making Negroni, the bitterness is much lower than when using Campari. So I can’t recommend Garrone to professional barmens. But for homeuse it’s okay, at least when you are not big fan of Campari’s bitternes. It’s best to enjoy mixed with orange juice and soda water.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Ephraim Aghedo

    Hi. What is the wholesale price for Bitter Garrone?

    1. admin

      Sorry I do not know, we are not selling alcohol, just review them.

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