Tuletorn (lighthouse) vodka is produced by Koch LLC, which belongs to the same conglomerate with Estonian biggest alcohol chain store SuperAlko. Koch produces a big selection of different vodkas, like Vergi, Mulgi, Taxi etc. which prices are around the same level. Differences come for where the rectified spirit is imported and how much it is filtered before bottling. Tuletorn vodka is an honour of the Kõpu lighthouse at Hiiumaa, which is said to be the oldest lighthouse in Baltic states, built in the 16th century. a 50 cl bottle costs around 6.50€.
Aroma is very neutral, there are not any hints of grain or whatever it is used to manufacturing this vodka. Taste is a bit sweet on the beginning, then comes strong ethanol flavour which have bunch of impurities still left. There is a certain industrial nuance, telling its mass produced spirit made probably from wheat, which is the cheapest raw material. It’s a very standard, low quality vodka sold only due to it’s cheap price.