Estonian flagship vodka Viru Valge has also a series of flavored vodkas and already a few of them have been covered in this blog. Now it’s the turn of plum vodka, which was released in the summer of 2023. As far as I know, Liviko is currently the only Estonian producer that makes both liqueur and flavored liquor from plums. The manufacturer does not reveal the contents of the product, but it can be assumed that it is a mixture of rectified spirit, plum juice/flavoring, water and sugar. A 50 cl bottle costs €7.99.
Plum vodka is a brown red in color, which is probably a slightly beautified version of cloudy and brown plum juice would actually look like. The sweet plum aroma is prominent in the smell. The smell is pleasant and somewhat appropriate, not too overpowering. The taste also has a cheerful plum aroma. The taste has a bit of sweetness at the beginning. After a sweet start, the alcohol kicks in quite sharply. As it has become clear in previous Liviko flavored vodkas, the rectified spirit used as a raw material must be something different than the one in Viru Valge’s clear vodka. Just the ethanol burn feels a bit overpowering strong in the aftertaste. However, Viru Valge plum liquor is a somewhat balanced combination of plum aroma, sweetness and alcohol burn. Not bad, but there are better flavored vodkas also available. However, the price-quality ratio is good and the product suits well for shots and mixed drinks.