Released in summer 2016, this cream liqueur is the fifth release of the Vana Tallinn Cream liqueur series. There are combined rum, lemon, pineapple and vanilla to bit sour, estonian yogurt. Due to Liviko, who is the producer, it’s created for elegant women who want to pamper themselves for a small adventure and excitement. Yoghurt Cream was selected as 2017 best alcohol products in Estonia. Purchace price for 50cl bottle is around 6€.
It’s very different from other cream liqueurs. Lemony, strong vanilla and sourness from yogurt. Mouthfeel is thick, at least when it comes directly from the fridge. Not the best combination, but if you are a fan of sour yogurt you might like this. Good thing is that it’s not so sweet and greasy like many other cream liqueurs. It works much better for cocktails than neat.
Recommended cocktail:
6 cl Vana Tallinn Yoghurt Cream
3 cl Limoncello
3 cl Cream
Shake on ice and strain to cocktail class.