Viru Valge is vodka distilled in Latvia, Riga by Latvijas Balzams. After distillation the raw spirit is transported to Tallinn, where Liviko filter it, dilute with ground water and bottle. In photo there is still old bottle label, it says “pure estonian vodka” but now it have been changed to “taste of Estonia”. That’s for the new EU product protection, where “estonian vodka” can be used only when vodka is distilled in Estonia. Liviko claims that it’s made by Estonian grain, so they transport the grain to Latvia where it is manufactured to rectified spirit. Viru Valge is the oldest vodka brand in Estonia. The price for 100cl bottle was 14.99€.
Viru Valge have a certain grainy nuance which lacks most of the cheap vodkas. Taste have some sweetness, light grain tone, crispy burn and robust, manly aftertaste. Slight grainy nuance leaves on the mouth which is just pleasant. It differ for most of Estonian product as there is a certain taste profile. So 3-4 euros price difference is admissible here, but I might not take this to the banquet table to offer for quests, the entirely is nonetheless a bit too tame. Viru Valge is somewhere between cheap bulk vodkas and premium ones, so it’s pretty good choice as a mixer at least when found on discounted price on stores.