Wenneker Apricot Brandy (20%)

Wenneker family company was established already at 1693 and they have great selection of liqueurs and liquors like gin, genever, rum and vodka. Apricot brandy is made by apricot extract, sugar, brandy and a touch of cognac. Apricot Brandy is typical Dutch liqueur, what is found on every liqueur producer (Bols,…

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Bols Banana Liqueur (17%)

Lucas Bols is one of the oldest alcohol brands, it is said to be established already in 1575, when Bols family built a distillery in Amsterdam. Lucas Bols was born a century later, but upon his time Holland was king of the oceans and that helped Bols to crown one of…


Passoa – Passion Fruit Liqueur (17%)

Passoa is a liqueur made by passoa fruits, developed in 1985 by Remy Cointreau. Production of Passoa was moved to its own Passoa SAS company, which is owned together by Lucas Bols and Remy Cointreau. Liqueur was launched in 1994 and has been one of the most sold liqueur in many…