Merrys story starts 150 years ago, when Robert A. Merry established a tavern and wine company in Dungarvan, Ireland. Cream liqueurs company started to produce in 1998 and in addition to original liqueur they have 5 different flavoured ones (white chocolate, strawberry etc.) Merrys Cream Liquer is made of cream, Irish whiskey and different spices. It is sold in 36 countries around Europe. The price for a 35cl bottle was 4.59€ (Konsum/Estonia).
Merrys have some nice fruity and creamy aroma. Taste is sweet, creamy, very smooth, a bit fruity. Alcohol does not burn at all. There is some bitter nuance in aftertaste which is nearly only negative details about this product. It’s cheaper and almost as good as Baileys, so it’s definitely worth a try.