Molly’s is a premium-class mixture of Irish cream, aged whiskey, good quality spirit, natural chocolate aromas and sugar (20,8%). The cream comes from local farmers and logistic is so fast, that milked milk is during 48 hours to the bottle. Molly’s Irish Cream is sold at 40 countries, six different continent. It is produced by Terra Spirits & Liqueurs at small Bailieborough city. 70cl bottle price was 8.99€ (Maxima/Estonia).
It’s aroma is quite mild but pleasant, there are toffee, cream and hint of chocolate. Those same are on the taste too. Mouthfeel is smooth, very sweet with lots of butterscotch. Aftertaste is smooth and creamy. Molly’s is smooth and solid cream liqueur, but maybe a bit too neutral, compared to Bailey’s richer taste.